The problem? Burning crop residues. Although it causes a variety of health issues and significantly
The International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) and the Eastern Africa Grain Council (EAGC) have
Scientists at CGIAR-IITA, working with the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe) under the joint
After a few months hiatus owing to the global COVID-19 pandemic, the international team of
With the modernisation and commercialisation of agriculture in Uganda throughout the early 2000s, farmers took
Addressing seed shortages for potato is a perennial challenge throughout sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Kenya which
A subterranean expedition conducted by researchers at World Agroforestry (ICRAF) East and Central Asia Program;
Ammonia- This is an invisible, water-soluble, colourless alkaline gas with a very distinct odour. It
Emurua-Dikir MP Johana Ng’eno has been in the news after losing his 22 pedigree cattle
A new variety of sorghum that delivers high yields of grain and stover is gaining
Kenya may soon have a new cassava breed if it is approved by the National
Growing food without soil or natural light is not something many Rwandans had seen or
By FAO East Africa is going through a massive desert locust infestation that’s stripping farming families of food
An improved indigenous chicken expected to produce between 230 to 250 eggs per year has
By Janet Nyamusi Agriculture is important in a country as it plays a strategic role
Kenya has joined six other African countries in commercial cultivation of BT cotton. Agriculture Cabinet
For the first time in history, farmers in South Sudan will now be able to
(GSMA) E-commerce has had a significant impact on just about every industry, from consumer electronics
Portal launched in Kenya as the pioneer country The Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International
When you get sick, your first thought might be to get antibiotics from your doctor.
The Kenya Cabinet of Ministers has today approved the commercial farming of BT cotton hybrids
Potatoes in Narok County Kenya, have been hit by a strange disease. This prompted the
Nakuru County in Kenya has turned to technology in a bid to improve strawberry production.
By Henry Kinyua Of late, social media has been awash with reports of improper pesticide
There are only two northern white rhinos left worldwide, both of them female. Saving this
The National Government is committed to revive the pyrethrum sector in partnership with county governments.
by HENRY KINYUA Nakuru County has started implementing the rules that will govern potato trade
by HENRY KINYUA Today there are very many chemicals in the market and farmers are
by HENRY KINYUA Farmers in Kenya are hungry for information on the best farming practices,
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For most updated and practical Agriculture News in East Africa. Science, Business and Politics of Agriculture. Farm and Agribusiness Set up, Investments and Policy environment