Firm seeking to build a milk processing and feed factory in Nyeri

Dodla Dairy Kenya Limited is seeking to set up a Milk Processing Plant and a Dairy Feed Plant in Nyeri County.  The firm is looking for an area with adequate water and electricity supply plus good infrastructure for easy access by farmers.  

Nyeri Governor Mutahi Kahiga met with the General Manager Anand Baptay where he said Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) are ideal in the realization of best practices and the County Government of Nyeri is cognizant of this and is continually striving to provide a conducive environment.

The firm is aiming to set up a Dairy Feed Plant with a capacity of producing 25 MT Feed per Day which can approximately feed 10000+ cattle daily. The Milk Processing Plant will have the capacity to produce 50,000 litres of milk. This the County says will also generate 300 direct employment opportunities and 1000 indirect employment ones in Nyeri county.

Nyeri Agriculture CEC James Wachihi says that the Department will work with Dodla Dairy Kenya Limited to fully realize this as this will cascade to more money trickling down to the farmers’ pockets and boosting the Nyeri economy further

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