Mombasa politician Suleiman Shahbals’ 11-year-old daughter Samira, recently surprised him when she told him that she wanted to start a beekeeping course at the National BeeKeeping Institute.
The politician took to social media to describe how she requested for KSh 6500 and went ahead to register for the course. The following day he says she sent him photos of her classmates only to learn that she was the only child in class. Her classmates were old people, some he even thought were his age.
“I was impressed by her courage despite not knowing where her interest came from. For her, she has seen an opportunity to start a beehive and make some money soon. She tells me an ordinary beehive can produce between 5 to 7kg of honey. If you get such you can make up to KSh 4000 per sell, she says. A beehive can be built at a low cost around your house compound. It doesn’t need to be in a forest, my beehive expert (Samira) tells me. I told her she needs to give me free honey once she harvests some. Shock on me, I am told I will be the first one to buy,” says Shahbal