Turkana County Executive for Agriculture, Pastoral Economy and Fisheries Chris Aletia has said that the E-surveillance technology which has been in use for more than 2 years in the County had greatly contributed in reporting, treatment and prevention of Livestock diseases in the region. The CEC says that the department had prioritized the E-surveillance as a quick and reliable technology of detecting and mapping out areas in the County that would be prone to livestock diseases

Turkana County Director for Veterinary Services Dr. Benson Longor has appreciated the immense contribution that partners have played in supporting the E-surveillance program as well as funds support towards complementing the County Government support on livestock treatment. GFA, GIZ and International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) Organisation played a role towards supporting the County Government of Turkana E~Surveillance system. GFA/GIZ will procure smartphones for the Community Disease (CDRs) that will be used for reporting of livestock diseases.
Aletia adds that the County in partnership with livestock stakeholders like FAO had procured vaccines to tame Newcastle and Ngumboro diseases. He calls on the Sub-County Veterinary officers to closely coordinate with the CDRs and offer regular trainings on the technology that would largely be done through the smartphones. Twenty one community disease reporters from all the sub-counties in Turkana are in Lodwar for a four day training on electronic reporting on livestock diseases
The County Chief Officer for Fisheries, Livestock Production and Veterinary Services Abdullahi Yusuf says that the Pastoral Economy Department is scaling up investment on livestock production and disease control to assist the Turkana Populace which is largely nomadic.