The Narok county CECM for Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Joyce Keshe, flagged-off 10 Motor bikes to 10 wards that will be part of the National Agriculture Value Chain Development Project. The motorbikes were presented to the respective ward agricultural officers

These ten wards including Mosiro, Olokurto, Keyian, Ololulung’a, Nkareta, Majimoto, Suswa, Naikarra, Siana and Sagamian had initially been left out during the implementation of the Narigp project. As a way of supporting the implementation of NAVCDP, the bikes are intended to ease the movement of extension officers across the Sub counties as they offer the much needed agricultural extension services to residents during the five-year project period and thereafter.

In her address, the CECM noted that the County Government is in the process of procuring twenty more motorbikes to support extension services to farmers across the county. She encouraged the officers to use the motorbikes for the intended purposes and urged them to prioritize their own safety.
Earlier in the day, the Extension Officers were taken through a training session on how to use and take care of the motorcycles.