MARKILANJO Bee Keepers Cooperative has received 20 beehives and other bee equipment from Nakuru Ciunty Government in an effort of boosting apiculture in the County according to the County.
The equipment, consisting of 10 langstroth hives, 10 Kenyan top bar hives, 5 protective kits and 1 honey extractor, is intended to encourage cooperative members to enhance their production and processing.
While handing over the equipment, Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries CEC, Dr. Immaculate Maina, said farmers have the potential to boost honey production in the county.

She was speaking during the closing of a two-day county capacity building program for bee bulking in Kihingo, Njoro Sub County.
Dr. Maina added that bees are important not only for their honey production but also for environmental balance.
She noted that the County is dedicated to the development of apiculture and would collaborate with Egerton and other stakeholders to lend their expertise in the breeding of queen bee, to help increase production.
Robin Mbae, Head of Apiculture-State Department of Livestock, said that capacity building activities would also be undertaken to help farmers increase their income by adding value to hive products, including making environmentally friendly candles, natural body cream, among others.