Taming roaming animals in Nakuru

A multi-sectoral team has been formed to look into the matter of roaming animals within Nakuru CBD and the major outskirts, and find lasting solutions to this issue.

Ag. Director Veterinary Services, Dr. Alice Wanjema, said the County is keen on making sure that there is no spread of zoonotic diseases from the roaming animals. She said animal owners within the municipalities need to practice responsible ownership of the animals as per the law.

Ag. Director Environment, Grace Karanja, said that the roaming animals are also a hindrance to the County’s efforts in tree planting for the beautification of the town. While this is a challenge, the County says it has an Urban Agricultural Policy underway that seeks to address smart farming by ensuring productivity promotion in urban centers is environmentally friendly.

The County will hold sensitization meetings on the issue as well as peri-urban farming for a sustainable city. Currently, the County has conducted free vaccinations to animals to ensure herd immunity. Previously the County impounded the roaming animals and surcharged the owners.

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