Quelea quelea birds invade farms in Nakuru

Nakuru County is putting in place appropriate management measures for the invasion of the quelea quelea birds in Njoro, Bahati, and Rongai Subcounties.

Technical Officers from the county and the National Government have identified five existing roosting sites where the estimated population of the birds is 6.5 million.

The affected area in Bahati is about 90 acres of wheat, about 10 acres of sorghum and 800 acres of wheat in Rongai, and about 100 acres of wheat in Njoro.

The bird’s potential roosting sites include eucalyptus, acacia, and avocado trees. Residents are asked to report any existing roosting site for the birds near them to the extension officers.

The identification and assessment of the damage exercise was led by Chief Officers Newton Mwaura (Agriculture) and Ken Mungai (Environment).

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