Nakuru regaining it’s pyrethrum glory

Nakuru Governor, Susan Kihika in a pyrethrum farm

Nakuru County is committed to restore its former glory in the pyrethrum value chain by ensuring it regains its market value as top income earner for farmers according to Governor Susan Kihika.  

Reiterating that that pyrethrum is a flagship project for her government, she stated that pyrethrum could once again become a leading foreign exchange earner for the country, with significant potential for employment and wealth creation, aligning with Vision 2030 and the National Government’s Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA) 

Nakuru Governor Susan Kihika with a farmer receiving a solar pyrethrum drier
Nakuru Governor, Susan Kihika with a farmer receiving a solar pyrethrum drier

She was speaking during the official launch of the National Pyrethrum Solar Dryers and Farmers Field Day in Gacharage, Sirikwa Ward, Kuresoi North Sub- County. 16 solar dryers were distributed to farmer groups to help them in drying flowers in a qualitative and timely way. The distributed dryers will help farmers improve drying conditions and pyrethrin content, enhancing post-harvest handling and the quality of pyrethrum.

 Historically, Nakuru County produced about 70 percent of the country’s pyrethrum, with a potential production of 12,000 metric tons. Since 2018, the County Government of Nakuru has distributed 42,066,978 pyrethrum seedlings to 7,262 farmers, worth Kshs 144,276,583. 

“I am glad my efforts to revive, restore and promote the pyrethrum value chain in Nakuru Country are bearing fruit. Testimonials from farmers confirmed availability of a ready market and timely payment by pyrethrum processing companies such as Kentegra and Pyrethrum Processing Company of Kenya. I urged more farmers to set aside at least half an acre of their land to grow pyrethrum, to move from the current 3,407 acres to 30,000 acres in Nakuru County,” said Kihika.  

Nakuru Governor Susan Kihika with pyrethrum farmers
Nakuru Governor, Susan Kihika with pyrethrum farmers

In Nakuru, pyrethrum is produced in eight out of 11 sub-counties, covering an estimated 3,047 acres. Current production stands at 1,490 metric tons, generating Kshs 298 million for Nakuru farmers. 

The Governor encouraged farmers receiving the solar dryers to maintain the equipment properly and join cooperatives to strengthen their position in the value chain as this would allow them to benefit from economies of scale and collective bargaining. She also called for the national government to expedite the national pyrethrum policy to streamline pyrethrum farming. 

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