Farmers trained on feed formulation

The County Government of Nakuru is training farmers on feed formulation. The County government says this is to ensure the reduction of production costs in dairy farming.

The County government also says the farmers can now address challenges of proper feeding shifting from grass based forage, to on-farm feed formulation with high protein content.

The acting Livestock Production Director, Ms Virginiah Ngunjiri, led the training in Molo and Kuresoi North sub-counties. The Director says the County aims at increasing the average milk production to 12 litres per cow per day compared to the current production of seven litres.

The County has set up 50 demos after conducting a refresher training course for Livestock and Vet officers across all sub-counties on feed formulation.

Groups trained include Kuresoi Farmers Cooperative, Starlight Cooperative, Muteme Dairy Group, Mukaso Self-help Group and Thayu Women Group.

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