Castor farming in Nakuru

The County Government of Nakuru in collaboration with ENI Kenya B.V has embarked on promotion of castor farming in the county.

The Sub county and Ward Agricultural Officers from the seven sub counties where castor farming is being piloted participated in the Castor Agronomic Training at Agriculture Training Centre, Soilo.

The training was aimed at equipping the officers with knowledge on proper farming of castor and the available opportunities in the castor value chain to help farmers practicing castor farming.

Under the program over 1700 small holder farmers in the seven sub counties have benefitted by receiving the castor seeds for planting.

The officers were urged to encourage farmers to aggregate to ensure reduction of costs on information dissemination, marketing and distribution of their produce.

The Sub counties include Naivasha, Bahati, Njoro, Rongai, Nakuru West, Subukia and Gilgil Sub counties.

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