Business Innovation Facility (BIF) has facilitated the training of extension service providers and farmers along the avocado value chain in collaboration with the County Government of Nyeri in Kenya.
The extension service providers were trained on effective avocado production practices that will help achieve quality fruits. Areas trained on included; ecological requirements for avocado farming, field management practices as well pest and disease management.

Farmers on the hand were urged to join and form farmer groups. The reasoning is that group approach helps maintain sustainability of projects as well as relay relevant feedback which helps extension officers and development organizations to understand farmers’ situations and improve the services they provide.
BIF is a UK Aid funded programme whose objective is to provide advice and technical assistance. It mainly focuses on activities that could tangibly expand opportunities for economically challenged people and engage them as producers, suppliers, workers, distributors and consumers or even as innovators.
Avocado is an important value chain in Nyeri County. The County Government of Nyeri says that proper training and advice on production methods and effective marketing strategies will greatly boost avocado production in the county.