Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Mithika Linturi and Nyeri Governor Mutahi Kahiga, the Vice-Chairperson Agriculture and Livestock Committee of the Council of Governors co-chaired a consultative meeting to address areas of cooperation with the Council of Governors to transform the agriculture sector and move the country towards food and nutrition security.
The meeting that was held at ASCU Boardroom, Kilimo House on 28th November , 2022, was attended by Governors from Tharaka Nithi, Nyandarua and Baringo Counties and Principal Secretary, State Department for Livestock Development.
The Meeting recognized that there is need for continuous enagagements and consultations between the Ministry and County Governments to drive this agenda. It was further recognized that there is need for the two levels of government to strengthen extension and farmer advisories services to support the farmers improve production.
The meeting therefore resolved that a technical team comprising 7 members is formed to be co-Chaired by the PS Harry Kimtai and the CEO CoG, Mary Mwiti to spearhead the process of reviewing all the policy and legal issues in the agricultural sector and report back within four(4) weeks. The Technical Team shall meet on bi-weekly basis.

The Ministry and Council of Governors shall strengthen the Joint Agricultural Sector Consultation Mechanism and ensure continuous engagement between the Ministry and County Governments on issues concerning the agricultural sector; a review of the current framework to ensure it is responsive to the current needs.
The Ministry and County Governmental to prioritize and co-create an holistic and countrywide extension programmes.
The Ministry and Council of Governors to liaise with the National Assembly to pass the County Governments Additional Funds Bill, 2022 to support agricultural development in the counties.
The Ministry to ensure inclusion of the Council of Governors in the development of programmes and projects in the agricultural sector.
The Ministry and Council of Governors to convene a joint agricultural sector forum bringing together all the stakeholders in the agricultural sector.
The Ministry commits to review the National Value Chain Development Project (NACDP) to ensure inclusion of the 7 counties that were left out to ensure the ring fencing of the gains made under NARIGP and KCSAP projects.