Potatoes in Narok County Kenya, have been hit by a strange disease. This prompted the County department of agriculture to organize a surveillance by experts in order to identify the disease.
Experts from the Center for Agriculture and Bioscience International (CABI), Kenya Agricultural Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) and the University of Nairobi have completed surveillance of potato diseases in Narok North, South and West.

This is in response to an apparent outbreak of potato spoilage in the three Sub-Counties. The surveillance was conducted by potato experts Joseph Kering and Fernadis Makale from CABI, Miriam Mbuyu and Jackson Kilonzi from KALRO- Tigoni, and Loise Mumbi from the University of Nairobi. The team examined the affected plants, farmlands, produce and storage and took samples for further laboratory tests. The results are expected over the next two weeks.
The county department of agriculture has assured the affected farmers that once the disease is identified by the experts, the farmers will be issued with the correct variety of seeds and pesticides at subsidized prices.