The HK coffee market summary ~ Sale 9 2023 and 2022 comparison

Coffee at the Nairobi Coffee Exchange

By Henry Kinyua

Sale 9 or Week 9 that took place on Wednesday 13th December 2023 had the highest volume traded in one sale so far.

Let’s see how the sector behaved same period last year when the Coffee Regulations 2019 and Capital Markets (Coffee exchange) regulations 2020 or you can call them ‘Rigathi reforms’ had not been implemented.

Unlike sale 8 last week that was almost a mirror image of sale 8 last year, Sale 9 was different on the volumes traded. In 2023 the volumes traded were 20,199 as compared to 8,985. The number of brokers at the auction increased to 10 in 2023 compared to 7 last year. There was also a marginal increment in the price where the average price was 187 compared to 180 last year. The  maximum price was 343 compared to 289 last year..

Volume traded8,98520,199
Number of brokers710
Per centage of top grades63%52%
Maximum price for 50kg Bag($)289343
Average price for 50Kg Bags($)180187
Number of buyers1818

Brokers at the Auction

2022 2023 
Aristocrats Coffee & Tea1,651Alliance Berries Limited5,508
Coffee Management Services1,207Bungoma Union Marketing Agency188
New KPCU Ltd933KCCE Marketing Agency Limited1,491
Oaklands Coffee Marketing302Kinya Coffee Marketing Agency Ltd1,212
Sustainable Management Services820Kipkelion Broker Company Ltd1,783
Thika Coffee Marketing604Kirinyaga Slopes Coffee Brokerage Company Ltd2,442
Tropical Farm Management (K) Ltd.3,468Meru County Coffee Marketing Agency Limited444
  Mt. Elgon Coffee Marketing Agency1,281
  New Kenya Planters Co-operative Union PLC.5,234
  United Eastern Kenya Coffee Marketing Co. Ltd616

Coffee Buyers

Ibero Kenya Ltd3159Ibero Kenya Ltd5440
Taylor Winch (Coffee) Limited1606C.Dorman Ltd4703
C.Dorman Ltd1520Kenyacof Limited4247
Africoff Trading Ltd449Taylor Winch (Coffee) Limited2118
Kenya Coop Coffee Dealers434Sondhi Trading Co. Ltd918
Sondhi Trading Co. Ltd352Sasini (K) Limited909
Diamond Coffee Company Ltd342Louis Dreyfus Company657
Rosie Vam Dyke Company Ltd280Diamond Coffee Company Ltd434
Alanwood Limited213Jabali The Coffee Company187
Kenyacof Limited155Africoff Trading Ltd160
Sasini (K) Limited148Rockbern Coffee Group Ltd138
Mumbi Coffee Merchants Limited112Rosie Vam Dyke Company Ltd82
Global Mark Foods Ltd83Betco Coffee Co. Ltd56
Mokal Coffee Ltd55Bekas Systems Ltd54
First Cup Coffee Ltd29Kafe Koko limited44
NO BID18Connect Coffee Co. Ltd21
Kyandu Trading Company17Global Mark Foods Ltd17
Fair to Good13First Cup Coffee Ltd14

The market which is always a very critical aspect of any value chain is progressing well.  This year, this is happening with more farmers owned companies trading while the same companies that operated as buyers last year continuing to buy.

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