Munya unveils theTea Board of Kenya Board of Directors

Agriculture CS Hon Peter Munya today morning launched the Board of Directors for the Tea Board of Kenya at Kilimo House.

In his address, CS Munya urged the board to hit the ground running and focus on the immediate interventions that are necessary to drive Tea reforms to ensure increased incomes and align the industry on a path of growth and prosperity. “To maintain the current upward trajectory of the tea industry, the ongoing reforms will require alot of commitment,” said CS Peter Munya.

The CS noted that the Ministry of Agriculture has been working closely with the Tea Board of Kenya Secretariat, to drive various reforms in the subsector.Some of the reforms that have started bearing fruits he said include the setting up of the minimum reserve price.

“I am happy to note that the Reserve Price which has been implemented for about six months now has resulted to increased export earnings fom Kshs 120 billion to Kshs 136 billion,” he said.

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