Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture partners with Tharaka Nithi County to fund micro-projects

The county government of Tharaka Nithi has patnered with The Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture (KCSAP) to promote community micro-projects in select project areas. Among those to benefit in the programme include dairy, green grams, banana and indigenous chicken value chains.

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Rehabilitation of Kaiboche concrete dam in Chiakariga, Aekumi Rock water harvesting in Tharaka North, the upcoming;- Rubate irrigation water project, Upscaling subsidized livestock feeds production, green grams processing and packaging will also be realised through the 20% county government’s contribution towards the support for these projects.

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“The Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture (KCSAP) implementation program through the docket of Agriculture, Livestock & Fisheries will greatly enhance agricultural productivity for our smallholder crop and livestock farmers as well as aid in climate change mitigation and adaptation measures,” says Governor Muthomi Njuki

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