By Henry Kinyua
Did you know that West Pokot County in Kenya produces coffee?
Coffee in Kenya is produced in 33 counties out of the total 45 counties in the country. Eleven Counties produce 86% of coffee and the remaining 14% is produced in the other 22 counties. Today we feature one county that many people don’t associate with coffee- West Pokot.
West Pokot produces coffee has a huge potential of increasing production. In the coffee season of 2023/2024, West Pokot sold 486 bags (29,568 Kgs) earning a total $128,951.56 at an average price of $248 per bag. The maximum price offered was $300 per bag.

Regarding Grades, AB was the highest component at 53% followed by MH at 17% and grade AA at 9%.

Coffee was traded at the Nairobi Coffee Exchange by Kirinyaga Slopes Brokers. For more insights about your county, society and factory please download Kilimo News App from Google play store.