Uasin Gishu County to develop a new coffee milling plant

Farmers during a field day at a coffee farm in Uasin Gishu County

The County government of Uasin Gishu is planning to set up a new coffee milling plant.  

The County Executive for Agriculture, Edward Sawe, led a team of County officials in an inspection exercise of multiple county farms in Turbo Sub-County where there are plans to set up a new coffee milling plant. Sawe said that the choice of location is crucial not only for logistical reasons but also for its potential to positively impact local farmers. The county he added is ensuring that the plant will be strategically positioned to benefit a maximum number of stakeholders.  

The county government says the plan to set up a coffee milling plant in Turbo Sub-County has generated anticipation from local farmers, with stakeholders eagerly awaiting the economic advantages it could bring. 

The county government has been distributing coffee seedlings to local farmers in a bid to encourage them to embrace crop diversification. Farmers in the county have been relying on maize farming as their main activity for many years and they have been educating them on the benefits of incorporating various crops into their farming systems, to mitigate risks and maximize yields. 

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