Nandi County is working to increase coffee production in Nandi County and make it one of the leading, if not top, coffee-producing county in Kenya according to Nandi Agriculture CEC Dr. Kiplimo Lagat. He says their strategy includes expanding production in suitable agro-ecological zones in the North and South Coffee Belts, which include specific regions with higher potential in the county.
“Beginning this January, our expansion efforts include mapping, registering, profiling and training farmers in preparation for increased production. We are also working closely with coffee researchers and farmers’ cooperatives to propagate over 2,000,000 coffee seedlings this year,” says Dr. Lagat
The Northern Coffee Belt includes Chepterwai, Kipkaren, Ndalat, Kabisaga, and Lelmokwo Ngechek wards, and the Southern Coffee Belt encompasses Ol’lessos, Kapchorwa, Tindiret, Songhor Soba, Kapsimotwo, Chemelil-Chemase, Koyo-Ndurio, Kobujoi Maraba, and Terik Wards.

In addition to coffee, the County Government is also supporting the development of high-yielding value chains such as dairy, avocado, and tea in the central belt. The central belt is made up of Kurgung Surungai, Kabiyet, Sang’alo Kebulonik, Chepkumia, Kapkangani, Kapsabet and Kilibwoni wards in Mosop and Emgwen Sub Counties.
It also includes Chemundu Kapng’etuny, Kosirai, Kaptel Kamoiywo, Kiptuya, Lessos, Nandi Hills and Kabwareng wards in Chesumei, Nandi Hills & Aldai Sub Counties.
To further this goal, the CEC made a visit to the Coffee Research Institute (CRI) to learn about new developments in the coffee industry and discuss potential collaborations with the management, led by Dr. Jane Cheserek