Coffee farmers get support in Nakuru

A partnership between the County Government of Nakuru and the Kenya Coffee Platform Association (KCPA) is enabling coffee farmers to get their soil tested. 1,200 coffee farmers from Mutungati Farmers Cooperative Society, which covers Bahati and Subukia sub-counties, have received results of their soil sampling tests.

The exercise was aimed at giving farmers proper analysis and recommendations for their soils for maximum production of coffee berries.

While representing the Chief Officer Agriculture, Mr. Kibett Maina, Agriculture’s Environment and Land Development Officer, Mr. Stephen Mureithi, urged the farmers to uptake seasonal testing to monitor their soil productivity and maximize the efficiency of soil without depleting the balance of nutrients. KCPA Chairman, Mr. Karugu Macharia says that farmers ought to be aware of the soil nutrient requirements to inform their application of fertilizers during different stages of a plant’s life.

Nakuru County currently has a total acreage of over 2,900 under coffee production in Subukia, Bahati and Rongai sub-counties.

The Cooperative has seen an increase in coffee production to 1,076.5 MT after the formation of the Nakuru County Coffee Platform from 400 MT.

The platform has helped bring coffee farmers together who have in turn received training from the County as well as help address issues facing them. The County Government has been able to support the cooperative with 40,000 seedlings worth Ksh 6 million, 3-10,000 litre plastic water tanks as well as a motorized pulper for Wikurie Coffee Society which is under installation.

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