A total of Kshs. 2.9 Billion had been disbursed as Coffee Cherry Advance Revolving Fund as at 26th January 2024.
Data from the New KPCU which disburses the funds shows that Nyeri County had the highest amount at 552 Million followed by Kirinyaga at 431 Million. Kiambu is third with 294 Million while Murang’a comes in fourth at 289 Million. Kericho concludes the top five with 261 Million.
At the bottom of the table is Nakuru County with Kshs. 56,410 disbursed.
A total of 221,382 farmers benefitted from the funds with Nyeri county having the most beneficiaries at 65,252.
Below is the full list of the funds disbursed per county and the number of beneficiaries.